Coin lines
Modular Cash Center System
Cash handling requires flexibility. The available space, coin volume, logistical factors as well as characteristics of coins to be processed are important criteria for the right configuration of the system, and all those criteria can change over time.
Our coin processing lines offer the flexibility to adjust to such changes with the smallest possible financial effort, without losing efficiency or ergonomics.
The system components are designed to work together to assure a high comfort for user. The system is configured to be operated on a small footprint, but even if this should not be enough, it can be separated into two to three different rooms, so that effort for modifications of the site can be avoided. Did you recently invest already in a coin wrapper, sorter or other product? No Problem! We check for you if these products can be integrated into our system.
Counting stations
We offer two compact versions of counting stations, which count, detect and evaluate mixed coins. Applied in the right combination, they will boost the performance of your system.
Our counting stations are mainly used when accounting of the single lots is not done yet in the branches, and the processing will be finalized in the cash centre with highest efficiency.
The usage of counting stations also makes sense, when a multi-room solution is planned or when notes and coins should be processed together in a silent environment apart from the big machinery.
Counting stations are especially interesting when it comes to an economical extension of capacities. Depending on the initial situation, you can multiply the capacity of your system.

Sorting station
Our sorting station counts, detects and evaluates your coins in one run.
If you use counting stations in a first step, the sorting station would run almost autonomously, for sorting and checking the total value of a container. This means that processes which require more manual work, would now be done on more economical machines. This allows you to use the sorting station to its full speed capacity. Semi-automatic packing station.

Semi-automatic packing station
The semi-automatic packing station packs coin rolls into ECB-compliant blisters.
Due to its small footprint and its manageable investment, this station is ideal for coin volumes, which are typically processed with a single coin wrapper.
The start/stop button enables the control of all modules with just one push. The touchscreen interface gives an overview of the packing process and status of each component. Furthermore, it allows you to select the denomination to be wrapped without operating user interface of the wrapper.
Two different set-ups allow better adapting to the available space on site.

Automatic packing station
This system is recommended for bigger coin volumes. it packs automatically coin rolls to ECB-compliant foil bags of 10 rolls, however, smaller packaging can also be produced according to your needs.
Several wrappers can be connected, and an expansion from e. g. two to three wrappers is usually possible with minor efforts. By request, it is possible to install additional modules for quality control and labelling.
There is also an option available to connect the system to a robot for final packaging of the ready blisters on palettes.

Coin elevator
Our coin elevator is fully vertical. Depending on the configuration, it can fill one or two machines on a very small footprint.
The elevator is compatible with our coin containers. Docking is done in seconds and the emptying of the container starts without delay as soon as the elevator is turned on.
The feeding is controlled automatically so that no manual speed adjustment is necessary.

Coin roll elevator
Our roll elevator fulfils all the key requirements for such a product with its robust components, low maintenance cost and control by the packing table.

Coin container
All our containers can be docked quickly to our elevator.
No additional tools are required to move the containers, which allows to move them around independently also in narrow aisles and around smallest corners.
The containers are lockable and can be sealed. Therefore they are also ideal for moving counted coins from branches to cash centres.

In cooperation with our software partners, we can offer you various software solutions.
Whether it is about management of cash centre processes, vault administration or mobile data collection systems.

Customised and special solutions
Do you have special processes or challenges? please contact us! We are always open to new challenges, but may have solved a similar problem already.